Introducing the Shuruh – the Commentaries and Explanations of Sayyid Qutub’s Milestones...

Introducing the Shuruh – the Commentaries and Explanations of Sayyid Qutub’s Milestones...
In the introduction to the Milestones (also translated as The Sign Posts), the author, Sayyid Qutub, highlights the most essential facts and important subjects covered in the book....
The Unique Quranic generation was a generation that was privileged to be guided and nurtured directly by Allah Almighty and His Messenger (sas). They were the first generation that was ...
The methodology described in the Quran deals with all aspects of human life and thus establishes the unique system that Allah has intended for this world through the upbringing of ...
Islam cannot remain as an abstract theory since it deliberately came to remove jahilliya from existence. Therefore, to serve its purpose, Islam must materialize in a real and organized society....
Jihad in the cause of Allah aims to establish the Religion of Allah on the whole world, as Allah (swt) is the Lord of the heavens and the earth....
The more we truly understand and base our lives on this testimony, “there is no deity except Allah,” the more we will love, admire, and hold it dear to our ...
Islam is a universal religion; not only is man, but actually everything in this existence is in submission to Allah (swt), willingly or unwillingly. In fact, this entire existence is ...
The statement “Islam is The Real Civilization” holds deep meaning, as the Religion of Islam completely forms the basis of human life, including morality and ethics, conduct, and all other ...
Islam considers that there are only two cultures: the Islamic culture, which is based on Islamic concepts and principles, and the jahili culture, which manifests itself in various modes of ...
Islam came to elevate man to an honored level where brotherly ties are based on belief, and not the lowly bonds of the earth and soil or the bonds of flesh and blood....
The changes that are called for are not only a reform for the whole world, nor a mere social change; rather this change calls for the transformation of humanity from ...
What does “Superiority of the Faith” mean? What is its scope and application? What are the factors which bring about this sense and feeling? And what are its consequences?......
The statement “This is the road” serves as a sign to the path which guides us to the Truth, which we are following in this era. This chapter leads us ...